Friday, May 05, 2006

Colbert in brief

Interesting article at WSWS today on the Stephen Colbert speech at the White House Press Correspondents' Dinner.

Also interesting is that Youtube, suddenly concerned about "copyright infringement" has taken the Colbert portion of the CSPAN coverage of the diner down. They have left Colbert Report clips and CSPAN clips (including the unfunny "comedy" routine of Bush himself and a Faux-Bush) up. The dinner took place on April 29. Today is May 5. That's some fast deletion. It's also "refusing to load" from other sources.

The Comedian Dissapears?


Frank Partisan said...

The WSWS article was terrific.

Clare is Reading! said...

I think D Walsh is one of the best Arts and Culture writers going.

Edie said...

DW is the best critic, period.