Monday, September 10, 2007

Coming out in paperback in October, of course

I find this out after I bought the hardcover of World War Z, by Max Brooks (son of Mel). Damn, this is a good book. Written in faux-documentary style (and subtitled "An Oral History of the Zombie War"), Max has wrought a nice piece of horror and social commentary. In vignets presented as if by various survivors of the war, we see an interesting picture of just how bad things can get if we continue on the paths we currently tread in re military unpreparedness, general unpreparedness, celebrity worship, and media deception.

I did not expect this, mind you- I expected a humourous and maybe scary bit o'fluff. I am in the middle of it, and very excited about it. That's not happened with a new fiction author in some time.

Here's a link- buy it.
Powells Books

---On the subject of links. I have decided to start linking to random (or maybe not so random) independent book stores which do business over the web. I may or may not go back and link for some other books as I feel like it. I will not link to a book I do not like, which means you'll have to do some work on your own in those cases.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what I wish? I wish I could set up a queue at my library like I do on Netflix. Then, when I hear about a good book like this but I don't have time to read it right now, I could put it down in my queue. Then some day months from now when I've forgotten all about it, I will get a hold notice from the library that the book is waiting for me. That would be great!